Everyone knows sustainability is vital. Everyone knows now is the time to act. But there’s a difference between knowing and doing. As the deep tech powerhouse of Capgemini, we’re sure that it is the application of novel deep technology that will be a critical factor in solving the world’s sustainability challenges. And deep tech is what we do.
More than this, we know that activating your sustainability strategy needn’t come at a cost to your performance, competitiveness and bottom line. On the contrary, embracing sustainability innovation in the right way will enable you to add value as you shape your future for the benefit of business, society and the planet.
With our 800-strong multidisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, designers and sustainability consultants, we leverage an array of the most potent deep technologies, including AI, biotechnology and advanced sensing.
We are collaborating with some of the world’s most radical climate tech start-ups to develop the innovative climate technologies that are transforming the world’s economy. And we work with large multinational corporations who understand that innovation will set their business up for unassailable long-term commercial advantage in our changing world.
Step change in sustainability
Many of the solutions needed to complete a sustainability transition simply don’t exist yet. What does exist is the opportunity to seize unassailable commercial advantage by inventing them. Someone’s got to do it, so why not you?
By collaborating with CC, you can apply the power of deep tech to create new-to-the-world innovation that delivers ambitious sustainability impact. Markets, customers and regulators are demanding it – so it follows that the businesses that deliver market-leading products and services that are also highly sustainable will prevail.
Our sustainability consultants can help you to develop the systems that will allow you to solve the hardest parts of this transition. The result will be novel products and services that allow you to differentiate through sustainability, without being defined by it.
Climate tech
CC can conceive, develop and scale novel systems that radically reduce greenhouse gases to deliver meaningful, real-world climate impact.
The imperative to cut carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases demands climate tech solutions in virtually all areas of the economy. From energy generation, transmission and distribution to transportation, manufacturing, agriculture and the built environment.
This presents transformative opportunities for innovators who are able to harness deep tech and navigate significant scientific, regulatory, policy and market uncertainties. CC’s combination of deep scientific and engineering expertise and market acumen is the key to unlock immense value and a better future for our planet.
Nature tech
Our multidisciplinary technology teams are committed to developing commercially viable deep tech solutions to halt biodiversity loss and support the transition to a nature-positive future.
The biodiversity crisis requires innovation. The systems we’ve relied upon to provide our food and materials are undermining the very ecosystems they depend upon. That means disruption is coming – and disruption means innovation.
Attention is focused for now on understanding and reporting on nature impacts and dependencies, as well as quantification for the emerging world of biodiversity credits and offsets. From earth observation to bioacoustics to eDNA, technology will provide the keys to enable nature monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) at scale. But it must be designed for scalability and commercial viability from the start.
Beyond measurement and reporting, the need to achieve business success while radically shifting our relationship with nature won’t be easy. By applying an ambitious deep tech mindset, we can help you harness emerging technologies to secure your company’s future, alongside the planet’s.
Science and engineering
By reimagining every aspect of the value being delivered to the customer, it’s possible to build sustainability into the core of your solutions. This becomes a reality thanks to our combined understanding of cutting-edge deep tech, our history of developing disruptive and new-to-the-world innovation and our sustainability expertise. CC’s engineers, scientists, designers and sustainability practitioners turn brilliant ideas into profitable products and services that delivering business value and societal impact.
We provide insight into technologies that will impact sustainability on a 10 year plus time horizon so you understand which will be the most important. Our teams develop technology roadmaps to underpin ambitious planet-positive visions with implementation plans based on ambitious, novel but achievable technology adoption. We also provide techno-commercial due diligence to support investors in evaluating prospective investments in clean/climate/nature tech.
Sustainable product design
Many day-to-day products have adverse environmental impacts baked in during design. At CC we integrate sustainable product design into our process to minimise such impacts. With a wide range of analytical skills, including life cycle assessment, our teams lead insight-driven product transformation. In combination with our understanding of circular product design, we can achieve ambitious reductions in the environmental or social burden. We’re uniquely positioned to deliver solutions that are grounded in science and unlock the potential of underutilised technologies.
Our approach to sustainability brings together sustainability practitioners – experts in navigating this complex topic – with the innovation machinery of CC. This unique combination enables us to use sustainability as a lever for innovation, creating new ideas and delivering world-firsts with reduced, no, or even positive social or environmental impact. And together with ambitious clients as partners, we create market-changing innovations that deliver significant sustainability impact in market sectors such as consumer, healthcare, telecoms and energy.
Where sustainability is not the primary driver for a project, our sustainability team is also responsible for ensuring that developments are future-fit. Our sustainable design process, based on quantitative approaches and frameworks such as life cycle assessment, informs the design and development of CC’s 500+ per year project portfolio.
当社では、物理学と化学における専門性が、すべての事業の基盤となっています。 当社の技術コンサルタントは、マテリアルサイエンスに関する深いノウハウと、様々な素材の構造や構成に関する正しい知識を駆使し、システム内のあらゆる構成要素に最適な材料を選定します。
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AIインフラストラクチャケンブリッジコンサルタンツは、社内に総合的な計算インフラストラクチャを保有しているため、様々なオプションの検討や、モデルのトレーニングと検証を短時間で実施し、より良い成果につなげることができます。 当社のオンサイトにはペタフロップ規模のコンテナ化された計算資源があり、複数台のNVIDIA DGX-1ディープラーニング・スーパーコンピュータや、その他のGPU、FPGAアクセラレーターを使用したサーバを備えています。この計算資源には、ペタバイト規模のローカルなNetAppストレージや個別プロジェクト用のクラウド、継続的インテグレーションサーバーが接続されています。 |
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分析ラボ当社の分析ラボでは高精度の計測と分析が可能であり、幅広いプロジェクトに使用されています。 ラボには、ガスクロマトグラフィー質量分析計(GCMS)、Mastersizer粒度測定装置、スプレーテック・レーザ回折式液滴径測定装置、高速および温度イメージングカメラ、急速現像カスタム画像解析ソフトウェアなどの専門的設備が備えられています。 |
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プロトタイピングワークショップ電子回路とメカのプロトタイピングワークショップでは、技術的に信頼できるプロトタイプの作成が可能で、アイデアを形にし、その価値を明確に実証することができます。同時に、ISO 9001、ISO 13485、ISO14001の規格に準拠した、極めて高い品質基準を維持することもできます。 当社では、最新のCNC加工機やフライス盤、旋盤、溶接機、ワイアハーネスやケーブルの加工機を使用して部品を迅速に作成することが可能なため、フルスケールのプロトタイプを構築して検証や利用者トライアルを実施できます。 |
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バイオ工学ラボバイオ工学と分子生物学を扱う最先端施設は、代謝工学やタンパク質合成技術の活用に秀でており、お客様のニーズに対応した革新的なバイオ技術応用製品を開発できます。 バイオ工学関連施設では、病原性菌株の取り扱いに必要なレベル2の封じ込めが可能で、自社ライブラリによってDNAのモジュラー構造の設計と合成を高速に実施できます。合成生物学の高度な専門能力を備えているため、バイオセンサーとして有機体を構成する能力に特に優れており、ヘルスケアや産業用バイオ技術向けアプリケーションに応用できます。 |

Catherine Joce
Head of Sustainability

マイク ダンクリー
Head of Climate Tech

Richard Hall
Chief Operations and Sustainability Officer

チャーリー ディーン
メディカルテクノロジー事業本部 サスティナブルメディカルテクノロジーG グループリーダー

アレクサンドラ レハック
Head of Energy Transition

キエラン レイノルズ
産業&コンシューマ事業本部 スマートインフラストラクチャ部 部長

ニール モトラム
Head of Agritech