O-RAN and AI: ready to transform service performance in the optimised network(O-RANとAIによるネットワーク最適化でサービスパフォーマンスが変革)」

作者 ドクター デレク ロング, マヤ ディロンPaolo Gatto | Feb 14, 2023

The stars are aligning for the transformation of the communications network. The opportunities offered by the O-RAN RIC are combining with advances in AI to enhance the automation of network optimisation.

The upshot will be maximised service performance and heightened user experience for consumers and enterprise users which will allow immersive services and advanced industrial applications to flourish.

In this O-RAN white paper, we explore – and answer – today’s crucial question and highlight on of the most exciting AI use cases in telecoms. How can automation overcome the complexity of O-RAN networks to deliver this broad set of high-performance use cases?

The O-RAN white paper in summary

The paper focuses on three take aways:

  • O-RAN RIC and AI are the keys to automating network optimisation that will maximise service performance and transform user experience
  • The resulting improvements will drive network cost reduction, efficient energy consumption and generate new service revenues – without invading user privacy
  • Distinctive offerings will be created from standard telecoms equipment by integrating wider data sources with low level network data – but will require vendors with deep experience in service design, data mining, AI and the RAN


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マヤ ディロン博士は、科学とテクノロジーを愛し、その応用により人間の創意工夫を高め、世界に力を与えることに情熱を注いでいます。

Wireless Senior Consultant and Group Leader | お問い合わせ

Paolo is an experienced real-time embedded software engineering lead and has been helping clients achieve their ambitions by designing and delivering technical innovations for a wide range of applications in numerous sectors.

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