
What is deep tech? A strategy to create value from an enduring, defensible competitive advantage
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoiY3VzdG9tX21ldGFfY29udGVudF90eXBlIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiIiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiIiLCJlbmFibGVfaHRtbCI6Im9mZiJ9fQ==@Back to insights What is deep tech? Frankly, deep tech means different things to different people. It’s a term used by some tech start-ups to woo investors. It’s a label for transformative – and hyped – technologies like AI, quantum ...

A promising breakthrough in the fight against glaucoma blindness
What is glaucoma? It’s a condition that represents the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. A team of CC scientists and engineers have made a promising breakthrough for the monitoring of interocular pressure (IOP), a major contributor to glaucoma ...

Will wireless charging power a transformative future for implantable medical devices?
Wireless charging has the potential to be the go-to power solution for implantable medical devices as technology innovation makes them smaller and smarter ...

Accelerating combination product development using digital twin technology – ONdrugDelivery
Dan Cowen, Sebastian White and Anthony Robinson consider the value that implementing a digital twin could provide to delivery device design across multiple stages of a development programme ...

Sustainable by design – developing patient and planet centric medical devices – ONdrugDelivery
This article explores the delicate balance between patient and planet centricity. It proposes a user- and planet-centric approach to developing valuable and sustainable medical devices by marrying user-centred design and sustainability best practices, applied by a multidisciplinary team ...

Transcending boundaries; the future of national security – TechUK
The future for national security is transdisciplinary. No single discipline can hope to solve all the complex, multifaceted challenges alone. Transdisciplinary is a particularly apposite term here, in that it encompasses not just the knowledge drawn from different disciplines, but ...

Design thinking will unlock deep tech transformation for ophthalmology
Ophthalmology is undergoing significant transformation that will reshape eyecare in the 21st century. It has become imperative to innovate and optimise clinical workflows for greater efficiency ...

A new frontier for smart active implants
Now is an exciting time to be working in the medtech industry, says John Genova, who heads our smart active implants teams. Here, John explains why the next medical frontier is smart active implants ...