

What is deep tech? A strategy to create value from an enduring, defensible competitive advantage

What is deep tech? A strategy to create value from an enduring, defensible competitive advantage

@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoiY3VzdG9tX21ldGFfY29udGVudF90eXBlIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiIiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiIiLCJlbmFibGVfaHRtbCI6Im9mZiJ9fQ==@Back to insights What is deep tech? Frankly, deep tech means different things to different people. It’s a term used by some tech start-ups to woo investors. It’s a label for transformative – and hyped – technologies like AI, quantum ...
How spatial design is creating a digital world beyond screens

How spatial design is creating a digital world beyond screens

UX designers at CC discuss the future of spatial computing and spatial design in transforming everyday life through Extended Reality ...
The transformative power of autonomous non-terrestrial networks

The transformative power of autonomous non-terrestrial networks

Discover how autonomous non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) will revolutionise communications, connecting people and machines ...
Converged Experiences Empower the Smart, Connected Worker

Towards Industry 5.0: How Converged Experiences Empower the Smart, Connected Worker

Discover how CC's converged experiences sit within the industrial metaverse to empower workers in manufacturing and industrial applications ...
Building a quantum future with Nu Quantum

Building a quantum future with Nu Quantum

CC and Nu Quantum are working to unlock the commercial value of quantum computing, taking quantum out of the lab and into the datacentre ...
TechUK, Karen Balbi

Intelligent compute: a recipe for sustainable and cost-effective growth – techUK

Karen Balbi explores the challenges and opportunities for businesses to improve efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable growth as they turn to cloud computing to streamline operations and enhance scalability ...
Tech Monitor, Carolina Sanchez

House of Lords AI report condemns UK government for AI safety focus – Tech Monitor

Dr. Carolina Sanchez, senior assurance technologist responded to the House of Lords comment that the UK is at risk of falling behind on AI because of its narrow focus on safety ...
How AI will transform transportation and mobility

How AI will transform transportation and mobility

Global transportation is set for dramatic transformation. CC has joined with The ITS America to create a visionary report. It unpacks how AI will transform transportation and mobility in the US ...
ITSA report

AI is ‘critical component’ of US transportation, says ITS America report – ITS International

Artificial intelligence has cemented its place in the transport sector - and could be a key driver towards safety, according to a new report. The organisation has collaborated with Cambridge Consultants on The Impact of AI on Transportation and Mobility, ...













Cambridge Job Fair

We are going to be attending the Cambridge Job Fair on XXth June 2025. We have lots of exciting opportunities available at CC, so come and chat with our recruitment team to find a role that's right for you!

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