The deep tech innovation strategies that are revolutionising telecoms
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoiY3VzdG9tX21ldGFfY29udGVudF90eXBlIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiIiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiIiLCJlbmFibGVfaHRtbCI6Im9mZiJ9fQ==@Back to insightsTelecoms, like transport, energy, healthcare and education, is one of the fundamental infrastructure networks on which modern society depends. In recent decades we’ve moved from fixed point to point connectivity to mobile personalised devices, and on to cloud ...
What is deep tech? A strategy to create value from an enduring, defensible competitive advantage
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoiY3VzdG9tX21ldGFfY29udGVudF90eXBlIiwic2V0dGluZ3MiOnsiYmVmb3JlIjoiIiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiIiLCJlbmFibGVfaHRtbCI6Im9mZiJ9fQ==@Back to insights What is deep tech? Frankly, deep tech means different things to different people. It’s a term used by some tech start-ups to woo investors. It’s a label for transformative – and hyped – technologies like AI, quantum ...
A promising breakthrough in the fight against glaucoma blindness
What is glaucoma? It’s a condition that represents the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. A team of CC scientists and engineers have made a promising breakthrough for the monitoring of interocular pressure (IOP), a major contributor to glaucoma ...
The transformative power of autonomous non-terrestrial networks
Discover how autonomous non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) will revolutionise communications, connecting people and machines ...
Intelligent compute: a recipe for sustainable and cost-effective growth – techUK
Karen Balbi explores the challenges and opportunities for businesses to improve efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable growth as they turn to cloud computing to streamline operations and enhance scalability ...
Is that AI product or service the real deal? Here’s how to tell – Fortune
Maya Dillon, our head of AI talks to Fortune about AI-washing? Exactly what is it and what does it mean for businesses? ...
デジタルツインにおけるジレンマの解決 ― ディープテックが食品バイオプロセスを加速する方法